Monday, November 07, 2005

Turkish food

The turks like their Kabab's and Chay rather then the western fast food.When the whole world is going for the pizzas and burgers you hardly find western Food in Turkey(except the Tourist places).

They love their kababs which you can find on every street.They have a large verity of food and sweets. The ones i like are Dolma(rice stuffed in capsicum)Kababs and the Bucklava (sweet).
When i first came here i had a tough time getting used to their food because theirs is bread based food and i have been eating rice all my life .In my region in india it is only the people who are sick(fever,Flu) that actualy eat bread. Now i have not only got used to the Turkish food but also started liking it.

1 comment:

tahin said...

Only sick people eat bread:) i didn't know it. Actually i am a curious person about Indian&Pakistani culture and food.

i like indian food, specially hot one!

I hope you'll have great time in Turkey.